Focused police enforcement in ByWard Market could be having positive impact (CTV)
March 6, 2025 - CTV Ottawa
An increased police presence in Ottawa’s ByWard Market could be having an impact, say local businesses and visitors.
“Things are looking better,” says La Bottega owner, Pat Nicastro. “We are seeing more police officers down in the market for sure. They’ve been coming in, introducing themselves. You always see a couple, groups. They’re walking around or they’re on foot. They’re parking their vehicles. We’re seeing the vehicles parked a little more.”
He thinks having extra police presence is having a positive effect.
“More presence, and we’re happy. And I think it’s working,” he said.
Police have been targeting eight “hot spots” of “high crime concentration” as part of the service’s new Community Outreach Response and Engagement (CORE) strategy that was introduced last summer. The plan is meant to increase visibility of officers and community organizations to deter crime and improve perceptions of public safety.
“When we see them, it’s good for everybody. It’s good for tourists, it’s good for locals, and it’s good for the business owners,” adds Nicastro
“I feel fine walking around here,” says New Brunswick visitor Andrew Titus.
Resident Edgar Caro says he’s noticed the increased police presence too but feels safe.
“I think it’s pretty safe, always been… they’re doing a good job so far.”