Happy Farmers' Market Week from your Ottawa Markets!
August 8th, 2022
Markets are a central part of Ottawa's rich history.
The ByWard Market was founded in 1827 and has been running for 195 years! The Parkdale Market, Ottawa's second oldest market was founded in 1924 and will celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2024. Over the years, the products for sale have evolved to reflect the changes in our communities. Markets have also sprung up across Ottawa, reflecting the desire from our community members to take part in this rich tradition.
The Ottawa Markets team believes that markets build communities.
We're bringing you exciting farmer-based content all week long to celebrate #FarmersMarketWeek!
Farmers' Spotlight:
We've coordinated with some market favourites (Rutabaga Ranch, Mountain Road Farm, Urban Fresh Produce, Heart City Farm, Forest Floor Mushrooms, and Agricola Farm) to bring you a special Farmers' Spotlight series - Stories and experiences straight from Ottawa's farmers!
From Farm to Table:
Ottawa Markets visited Heart City Farm last week as they harvested veggies ahead of the Parkdale Night Market. Interested to see what we whipped up with these fresh finds? Stay tuned to our social media and website for our official 'From Farm to Table' video drop. We worked with City Park Production to create an immersive video involving the gathering goods from local businesses and markets in order to create a beautiful home cooked meal.
What do Farmers' Markets Mean you you?
We believe that everyone should have access to educational information regarding our food systems.
According to survey results from the past decade of Broader Public Sector institutions, requests for local food has increased from 19% to almost 60% (Ontario local food report 2021). Keep your eyes peeled this week for fun facts about Farmers' Markets and local food systems!
Happy Farmers' Market Week to all!
For more information, or to speak with a representative of Marchés d'Ottawa Markets, please contact:
Zackery Liberty, Communications and Events Coordinator, Ottawa Markets, zackery.liberty@ottawamarkets.ca.