Sharing the ByWord - May 18th


The ByWard Market Receives a Royal Visit!

Ottawa Markets is excited support Canadian Heritage in the welcoming of their Royal Highnesses Prince Charles and Camilla Bowles, Duchess of Cornwall, to the ByWard Market this afternoon between 12PM and 1PM.

We encourage you to help us welcome the Royal couple along with their teams as they take in the area and some of the finest offerings Ottawa provides.

The Royals will be walking through the area with a brief stop on George Street Plaza before they move onto their next engagement.

There will be minor traffic disruptions between 11:30am and 1:00pm. Pedestrian access will be maintained, minor road closures will occur as required. In addition, businesses in proximity to the visit can expect heavy RCMP and Police presence.

We thank everyone in advance. Upon conclusion of the visit, Ottawa Markets will make photos and videos available for sharing.

Become an Ottawa Markets Sponsor!

Marchés d’Ottawa Markets is preparing for a thrilling 2022 season full of excitement, programming, and of course, Markets! Following our mandate to rejuvenate Ottawa’s Public Markets Program, Marchés Ottawa Markets is launching a new Sponsorship Package with the aim of strengthening the #ShopLocal movement and working closely with prospective partners - with a generous list of sponsorship perks to boot.

Check out our Sponsorship Prospectus by clicking here!

This year, Marchés d’Ottawa Markets is running five distinct markets across Ottawa:
🌷 The ByWard Public Market
☀️ The Parkdale Public Market
🌾 The York Street Farmers’ Market
🌙 The Parkdale Night Market
✨ The ByWard Night Market

We are thrilled to bring new positive energy to our City and find new partners along the way!

Neighbourhood News:

HEY OTTAWA! You asked for local… So we're bringing you local! 📍 📣

Come down to the ByWard Market from 9am-2pm every Saturday morning to check out the vendors of the York Street Farmers' Market.

With a wide array of products, the York Street Farmers Market is the best place to support your local producers and get the beautiful products you've been waiting for!


MADD Ottawa Chapter is planning a Crashed Car display to raise awareness about impaired driving and promote sober driving through the display of a car that showcases the aftermath of an accident.

The event will take place from May 19th to 25th on York Street Plaza in front of the Ottawa Letters.

Have any questions? They'll have an info booth with volunteers accompanying the car for the duration of their event.

Pop in at Parkdale:

Returning for its second year on June 1st! 🌙

Marchés d’Ottawa Markets is excited for the launch of the popular Parkdale Night Market. Expanding the historic and bustling Parkdale Market into the twilight hours, the Parkdale Night Market will feature unique new offerings to the area from new farms to fun and creative producers!

Don’t miss it – Wednesdays, June-August from 5pm-9pm.

There’s something new to experience every day at Parkdale! Be a part of the tradition – support your Ottawa Markets!

Announcing ARTsPARK!

A day-long arts festival and craft market that will take over the streets around Parkdale Market and Park on June 18 - Keep up with the Wellington West BIA for updates!

Community Spotlight:

As part of our Community Spotlight, we chatted with ByWard Market vendor Chris Villeneuve of Junior and the Kid.

Find him on the ByWard Market - Thursday to Sunday!

We asked Chris the following questions:

When did you start your business/operation?

The business launched in 2018, about 3 months after my grandfather (Junior) passed away. But the business has really taken off in the last 18-24 months!

How did you learn? Who taught you?

My grandfather was always my idol in life, and I watched him from a young age. He would always be cooking for the family and for other people. I can remember being a young kid and sitting on the counter in his diner restaurant watching him cook for the patrons. When I was about 13, I went and spent a weekend with him and he taught me how to make a bunch of our family staple dishes and that really ignited a passion for cooking, and especially cooking for other people!

What did you produce first?

My first sauce was the Maple Bourbon. I basically took two of my favourite things and put them together!  

What do you currently specialize in making?

I currently produce my full line of 6 sauces as well am working on some limited release flavours.  I’ve also branched out in the last year or so into offering live fire BBQ options at farmers market and now Junior & The Kid at ByWard. I’m offering some traditional BBQ menu items such as ribs, chicken, armadillo eggs, brisket and so much more!

What’s the one thing that’s surprised you the most about your industry?

I would say that even though it is incredibly competitive (just think of how many BBQ Sauces and BBQ companies are out there!) it is an incredibly supportive and positive space to be in. Everyone is willing to help and encourage each other.  

What’s been your proudest moment as a business owner?

There have been a few and for different reasons. Getting a contract in 2022 with Metro grocery stores was pretty incredible. Proof of hard work paying off. Opening the location at ByWard is also a goal attained of having my own food establishment. But I would have to say there is no prouder moment than when I am at the stand or at a market with my daughter and sharing that with her. 

What advice would you give to someone starting out?

Don’t be afraid to colour outside the lines and ask questions! If you have an idea, try it! And find someone you can reach out to that is in a similar space with some experience who can help guide you and answer any questions you may have, because there are always new ones that will pop into your head.  But be passionate and push the pedal to the floor! 

Find Chris on Byward Market Market Square in front of Saslove's Meat Market from Thursday to Sunday.

For more information, or to speak with a representative of Marchés d'Ottawa Markets, please contact:
Zackery Liberty, Communications and Events Coordinator, Ottawa Markets,




Sharing the ByWord - May 5th