Tag, you’re it!

The first annual Tag Up brings Ottawa and Gatineau artists under one roof at the historic 55 ByWard Market building. Gallery 55, on the second level of the building, is now showcasing sixteen unique tags from local artists. This is a unique building takeover not to be missed!

Tags or ‘throw-ups' function similarly to a signature as they are the graffiti artist's pseudonym written in the individual’s unique style. Often done in spray paint or markers, tags are established from throw-up and pieces by being 2D, often smaller in size, and thinner lines which are the result of speed necessity due to the often illegal nature of tagging.

While tags are often written onto objects directly, they are sometimes written onto stickers (known as "slaps") and stuck onto things, which is faster and safer when illegally tagging.

Come explore the murals that celebrate Ottawa street art and tag us online with your favourite.  Gallery 55 is open every day at 10:00 am, pop by this weekend to view the artwork and enjoy Winterlude festivities. 


Calling all artists!


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