Welcome to the ByWard Market Right-of-Way Portal. This portal allows businesses such as bars, restaurants, and cafés to annually submit permit requests, review their application status, update information, and submit updated documentation such as the required insurance certificate.
Please log into the portal below to apply for 2025 summer permits
This portal is for businesses that have previously been permitted by the ByWard Market District Authority, formerly Ottawa Markets. If you have not previously worked with us, please submit your contact details on our main application page.
Businesses that have previously submitted applications may log in below. To log in, please provide the email address that you have previously submitted and you will be sent a unique access code to continue. Once logged in, please select your business to submit a new permit request.
If you have any issues, questions, or concerns, please email us at
Right-of-way (ROW)
Right-of-way means the width of the road allowance from the property line on one side to the property line on the opposite side of the roadway. This simply means the everything from your business property line to the property line of the business or residence across the street from you is defined as the right-of-way. The ROW typically includes the ‘street’ and sidewalk, but may also include bike lanes, bus stops, parking spaces and medians.
Wall-Side Patio
A Wall-side Patio is located on the sidewalk and/or boulevard abutting the associated establishment, allowing the pedestrian clearway to extend from the patio to the sidewalk curb. It is named “Wall-side” patio because it is located directly next to the wall of the associated establishment, on the City sidewalk and/or boulevard.
ByWard Market District
While the ByWard Market means something different to everyone, for the purposes of the ROW program, the ByWard Market District was defined with the creation of the ByWard Market District Authority (BMDA) and can be seen on this map of the district.
Curb-Side Patio
A Curb-side Patio is located on the part of the sidewalk and/or boulevard that abuts the roadway, allowing a continuous sidewalk between the associated establishment and the patio. It is named “Curb-side” because it is on the side of the sidewalk and/or boulevard that abuts the curb, next to the roadway.
Café Seating
Café Seating is a type of patio that is located on the sidewalk and is one table deep. These patios must be located flush against the wall of the associated establishment and do not require partitions to delineate the space. Unlike the other patio designs that may accommodate a larger area and greater capacity, this design provides small-scale café-style seating.
Street-Side Patio
A Street-side Patio is located in a parking space that has been re-purposed in the outer lane of the roadway, in front of or beside the associated establishment. It is named “Street-side” because it is the only patio permitted to be located on the street/ roadway; all other patio designs are located on the sidewalk and/or boulevard
To review details definitions and requirements for the various patio types, please review the BMDA guidebook Patios and Café Seating in the ByWard Market.
Become a Tenant at 55 ByWard Market Square
If you are interested in becoming an Indoor tenant at 55 ByWard Market Square, please email Samon -