Proceeds from vending fees collected on July 1st to be donated to Tewegan Housing for Aboriginal Youth

Reconciliation will not come without hard reflection, and collective action. While we work to better educate ourselves, Ottawa Markets has made the decision to donate proceeds from vending fees collected on July 1st to organizations working to support Indigenous Peoples and reconciliation. We will continue to do this every year going forward.

This year, funds will be donated to Tewegan Housing for Aboriginal Youth, an Ottawa-based transitional home for First Nations, Inuit and Métis women, ages 16 to 29. They provide a safe, culture-oriented environment where women can celebrate their traditions and acquire skills that will help them in life. They offer a wide range of programs and services including cultural programs, financial planning, outreach supports, counselling, assistance finding permanent housing and more.

Our actions alone will not heal the Indigenous communities that have been so systemically and consistently targeted. We all must work together to understand the truth. We must listen, learn, and take necessary action to support Indigenous Peoples.

Please take a moment and educate yourself on the 94 calls to action.


Sharing the ByWord - July 28th


Sharing the ByWord - June 30th